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 The oil paintings are reproduced on high quality OBA-free (archival) canvas and printed with archival grade inks. The finished print has a satin (low glass level) appearance ideally suited for oil reproductions. The superior poly/cotton blend, 2-over-1 canvas is specially engineered to create beautiful prints providing a wide color gamut, exceptional contrast and consistent texture. Prints are scratch and smudge resistant. Each piece is finished in a thick gallery wrap with a professionally taped backing - a canvas-like matte tape is carefully applied to the back, hiding the staples. Because no backing is applied, your canvas has the ability to breathe making it resistant to accumulating mold and mildew.

Our photos are reproduced on a high quality 11 mil 300g Satin Luster art paper (between a matte and a gloss), with excellent ink retention characteristics and a color gamut that is second to none. This paper finish provides an elegant texture consistent to that of a traditional dark room print. Each print is border-less and available mounted or unmounted on art-board or 3/16 gatorboard depending on the size.

We've chosen a high quality Metallic Pearl Paper for the Illusions. This paper enables you to create stunning prints that previously could be output only in a darkroom. The metallic, high-gloss surface on this 10-mil, 255g photo paper results in prints that are sharp, vibrant, and exceptionally rich-looking. Images are printed borderless and are available mounted on art-board or unmounted for adding your personal framing touches.

We've chosen a high quality Metallic PearlPaper for the Timpanogos Collection. This paper enables you to create stunning prints that previously could be output only in a darkroom. The metallic, high-gloss surface on this 10-mil, 255g photo paper results in prints that are sharp, vibrant, and exceptionally rich-looking. Images are printed borderless and are available mounted on art-board or unmounted for adding your personal framing touches.

"If we can change the way they see ... then we can change the way we think".

The Eloquent Palette

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EloquentIllusions @2017 | All Rights Reserved.

Images are copyrighted and can not be used for any purpose without the expressed written consent from the artist

 All Rights Reserved.

Photography of Oil Paintings by:

Lacey Borba Photography - Grand Junction, Colorado

Web design by

Web design by  The Big AhHa